One stop creation
I have mentioned my Rebecca many a time.
She is a special girl...and I'm
not just saying that because
I am her Mom.
She has a very high IQ, and a very
creative and dynamic personality.
She is a force of nature.
She's big, smart, able and
But Lord help you if she
isn't willing.
Or if she wants YOU to be
willing when you are not.
She is passionate...and she
is stubborn.
She has the soul of an artist,
the mind of a brain surgeon,
and the heart of a poet.
She is both an idea girl..and
she can plan AND she
can follow through.
Most people really only
excell at one of those areas.
I don't brag on her like this very often.
But it's a bit relevant.
I secretly had this idea
for a place like I linked to
at the start of this post.
And she also had the same idea.
We just sort of blurted it
all out the other day
while we were working in
my studio.
Becca often chooses to
make sketches
of her paintings and ideas
before she does the final
she is in there with me alot.
The room is set up for art and exploration.
We both decided we wanted
to make a place
where others can come
and create too.
Her idea is to call
it "The Make Place"
I NEED this..and so does she.
While she can always find
a way to occupy that
1000 mile an hour brain of hers,
she needs a focus.
Fortunately she has
sticktoitness...always has.
So oddly I don't worry much
about embarking on a business venture
with my 6 year old daughter.
This town also needs this place.
What is offered to older children
and young/mid aged
adults in the way of artistic exploration
in Westerville is pathetic.
Also what is offered as a means for artists
to display their work just isn't enough.
We have a sweet little gallery uptown....
but it isn't large enough...
and I feel the pricing is a bit
prohibitive for those
who have never shown their work before.
In addition to that all space is rented.
Artists are never featured based upon
artistic innovation or skill.
I think a "people's" gallery, as well
as a featured
artists gallery would be the berries.
I'll ask Becca what she thinks.
Or maybe not..she is still under the
impression that I am
mentor material.
But while I have a pretty good brain of my own,
I fully expect her to surpass me..
Heck, she'll be taller than me by
the time she's 8!
4'5" already!( maybe more since
I noticed her pants
looking like floods this morning)
And not for one moment
think that this post undervalues Donna.
Donna is a whole different story... she ever.
All of the above characteristics is slanted
quite differently when the child is
extremely introverted....
and when she is made of pure wonder.
My daughters are like a coin whose
one side is science, and
the physical. And whose other side is
magic and the ethereal.